Carousels & Image Galleries

Images can be featured in a carousel of large images (a slider), as smaller images in a gallery

Using a carousel vs. an image gallery 1) how many images you want to show; 2) if there is a additional info you want to display about your images; and 3) the quality of your images

Use a carousel if:

  1. You have a few special images you want to highlight (e.g. 5 rather than 20)
  2. There are captions or additional info you'd like to display with the images
  3. Images are high quality enough to be seen large

Use and image gallery if:

  1. You have a lot of images (e.g. 10 or more) that you want visitors to browse through.
  2. Images don't really need captions
  3. Some images aren't as high quality as others.

Making images smaller: Photoresizer is free online tool to adjust the overall width/height of images. 

Reducing file size: Tinypng will help compress large images.


Headline for the image

Text description for the image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices, diam maximus porta pharetra, eros dui eleifend lorem, quis accumsan justo dolor a nibh.

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Headline for the image

Text description for the image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices, diam maximus porta pharetra, eros dui eleifend lorem, quis accumsan justo dolor a nibh.

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Headline for the image

Text description for the image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices, diam maximus porta pharetra, eros dui eleifend lorem, quis accumsan justo dolor a nibh.

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