Carousels & Image Galleries
Images can be featured in a carousel of large images (a slider), as smaller images in a gallery
Using a carousel vs. an image gallery 1) how many images you want to show; 2) if there is a additional info you want to display about your images; and 3) the quality of your images
Use a carousel if:
- You have a few special images you want to highlight (e.g. 5 rather than 20)
- There are captions or additional info you'd like to display with the images
- Images are high quality enough to be seen large
Use and image gallery if:
- You have a lot of images (e.g. 10 or more) that you want visitors to browse through.
- Images don't really need captions
- Some images aren't as high quality as others.
Editing Your Images
Making images smaller: Photoresizer is free online tool to adjust the overall width/height of images.
Reducing file size: Tinypng will help compress large images.