Full-Width Site Widgets and Resources

Here are the tools you need to build your site.

This is the Body section of the HP HTML Kitchen Sink Widget.

You can embed images and format text with a toolbar that is similar to what you might see in Microsoft Word.

And you can organize content with Headers to outline sections and provide clear access for screen readers to improve accessibility.

Search engines and site visitors (sighted people and people using screen readers) rely on header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to interpret how content is organized on a web page. 

  • H1: Page Title

  • H2: Headline

  • H3: Subhead

Headings provide document structure and facilitate keyboard navigation by users of assistive technology. These users may be confused or experience difficulty navigating when heading levels are skipped.

Use the headings in the proper order. 

Use the styles, rather than adding a Bold / Strong tag for a section headline.

Don’t skip a header tag. E.g., use H2 then H3 then H4; not H1 then H3.

H2 for sections





This is an optional Sidebar that sits alongside the Body.

Callout Title to Take Action via the Callout Link

Callout Link