ADFS Authentication

NOTE: This feature is depreciated. We do not recommend using it, as it no longer functions correctly with Howard SSO login correctly, and will likely be removed.

If required, basic pages can be made to require authentication, in order to view them. This means users will be redirected to the Howard ADFS login (if not already logged in). This can be useful for pages that potentially contain forms or information that should only be accessible to Howard University affiliated users. However, this should be used sparingly, as it has the potential to be jarring for non-affiliated users, as they will be redirected to the login page immediately.

Usage tips:

  • Functionality is only available on the HC Page content type.
  • Use this sparingly, if at all.
  • Do not use on pages that are prominent, such as those in the main navigation.
  • View/test in an incognito window, as this functionality is bypassed for users logged in to drupal already.

How to enable

Simply choose "Require Howard University SAML login to view this page", and save.

SAML login screenshot

Sample Link

Click the link below to be directed to a sample page requiring ADFS Authentication, to test this functionality.